IASC Events 2019-2023

Association: IASC-ERS
Contact person, Name: Maria Brigida Ferraro, Email: mariabrigida.ferraro@uniroma1.it
Title of Conference / Event: Compstat 2020
Year: 2020
Dates (final): 25/08/2020 – 28/08/2020
Location of the Event: University of Bologna, Bologna / Italy
Website: http://www.compstat2020.org/

Association: IASC-ERS
Contact person, Name: Peter Winker, Email: Peter.Winker@wirtschaft.uni-giessen.de
Title of Conference / Event: Course on Text as Data in Economics
Year: 2019
Dates (final): 15/07/2019 – 18/07/2019
Location of the Event: ZEW Mannheim / Germany
Website: https://www.zew.de/fileadmin/FTP/veranstaltungen/CallforParticipants_TextasData2019.pdf

Association: IASC-ERS
Contact person, Name: Ana Colubi, Email: ana.colubi@wirtschaft.uni-giessen.de
Title of Conference / Event: Final CRoNoS Spring Course
Year: 2019
Dates (final): 14/04/2019 – 16/04/2019
Location of the Event: Poseidonia Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
Website: http://cmstatistics.org/CRONOSMDA2019/cronosmdacourse.php

Association: IASC-ERS
Contact person, Name: Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Email: erricos@dcs.bbk.ac.uk
Title of Conference / Event: Compstat 2022
Year: 2022
Dates (tentative): 23/08/2022 – 26/08/2022
Location of the Event: London / United Kingdom
Website: tba

Association: The Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS)
Contact person, Name: Philip Yu, Email: plhyu@hku.hk
Title of Conference / Event: The 11th Conference of the IASC-ARS (IASC-ARS 2019)
Year: 2019
Dates (tentative / final): 2-5 December 2019 (final)
Location of the Event: City / Country: Hong Kong, China, The University of Hong Kong
Website: https://saasweb.hku.hk/conference/iasc-ars2019/

Association: The Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS)
Contact person, Name: Yuichi Mori, Email: mori@mgt.ous.ac.jp
Title of Conference / Event: The 12th Conference of the IASC-ARS (IASC-ARS 2022)
Year: 2022
Dates (tentative / final): 8-11 March (tentative)
Dates (tentative): 21-24 February (tentative).
Location of the Event: City / Country: Kyoto, Japan, lmadegawa Campus, Doshisha University, Imadegawa-Karasuma-Higashi-Iru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-8580, Japan
Website: https://iasc-ars2022.org/

Association: The Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS)
Contact person, Name: Thomas Fung, Email: thomas.fung.dr@gmail.com
Title of Conference / Event: The 13th IASC-ARS Conference
Year: 2023
Dates (tentative / final): Tentative 11-14 December
Location of the Event: City / Country: Sydney, Australia
Website: tba

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: David Fernando Muñoz Negron, Email: davidm@itam.mx
Title of Conference / Event: 5th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2020
Year: 2020
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May (between 11 to 22 tentative).
Location of the Event: City / Country: Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM, Ciudad de México, México
Website: https://www.itam.mx/

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – LARS-IASC
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2021
Year: 2021
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 7th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2022
Year: 2022
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 8th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2023
Year: 2023
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: David Fernando Muñoz Negron, Email: davidm@itam.mx
Title of Conference / Event: 3rd LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science 2020
Year: 2020
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May (between 11 to 22 tentative).
Location of the Event: City / Country: Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM, Ciudad de México, México
Website: https://www.itam.mx/

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 4th LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science LACSC 2021
Year: 2021
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 5th LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science LACSC 2022
Year: 2022
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing – IASC-LARS
Contact person, Name: Verónica Andrea González López, Email: veronica@ime.unicamp.br
Title of Conference / Event: 6th LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science LACSC 2023
Year: 2023
Dates (tentative / final): Second or third week of May.
Location of the Event: City / Country: To be determined.
Website: To be determined.

Association: IASC
Contact person, Name: David Banks, Email: dlbanks@duke.edu
Title of Conference / Event: Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (DSSV-2020)
Year: 2020
Dates (final): July 29-31, 2020
Location of the Event: City / Country: Duke University, Durham North Carolina, USA
Website: Not yet available

Association: IASC
Contact person, Name: Patrick Groenen, Email: groenen@ese.eur.nl
Title of Conference / Event: Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (DSSV-2021)
Year: 2021
Dates (tentative): July 07-09, 2021
Location of the Event: City / Country: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Website: Not yet available

Association: IASC
Contact person, Name: Chun-houh Chen, Email: cchen@webmail.stat.sinica.edu.tw
Title of Conference / Event: Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (DSSV-2022)
Year: 2022
Dates (tentative): July or August 2022
Location of the Event: City / Country: Statistica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Website: Not yet available