2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2019)
2nd Call for Papers

The 2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2019) will be held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,
from November 18-20, 2019. The organization of this meeting will be carried out by Professors at the
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. The purpose of the CSDS 2019 is to bring together researchers and
practitioners, from the academy and from the industry, that develop and apply statistical and
computational methods for data science. This conference will provide a forum to share and discuss ways
to improve the access to knowledge, and promote interdisciplinary collaborations. The scientific
program will be very appealing for most statisticians and data scientists interested in quantitative
methods for decision making and will include plenary talks, invited sessions, short courses, round tables,
contributed papers and contributed posters. More details about the CSDS 2019 can be found in our
website http://www.csds2019.ime.ufba.br .
Some highlights of the scientific program are:

  • Keynote talk by Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva, former President of the International Statistical
  • Keynote talk by Richard D. De Veaux, current Vice-President of the American Statistical
  • Roundtables/Panel discussions on: (i) “How to give a proper talk?”; (ii) “How to get your paper
    published?”; (iii) “The role of statistics in the Era of big data”; and “Data science and big data in
  • Four or five short courses on current topics in statistics and data science

The Scientific Program Committee of the 2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science is now soliciting
to the Brazilian and international communities’ suggestions for Invited Paper Sessions (IPS) and Short
Courses to be considered in the scientific program of the conference. Please submit a formal proposal
before September 15, 2019, to the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee (Paulo Canas Rodrigues,
paulocanas@gmail.com) with the following information:

  • Invited Paper Sessions (90 minutes with three speakers): including title, brief description of the
    session and list of speakers and discussant that accepted to be part of the session;
  • Short Courses (duration between two and four hours): including title, instructor(s), summary and
    aims of the course;

Young researchers (up to 5 years after their last academic degree) attending the 2nd Conference in
Statistics and Data Science will have the possibility to compete for the “Best Paper Award on Statistics
and Data Science” and for the “Best Poster Award on Statistics and Data Science”.

Abstracts for contributed talks and contributed posters can be submitted online until September 15,


Download: CSDS 2019 — 2ns Call for Papers