Announcement and call for submissions

Special issue of Teaching Statistics

“Teaching Data Science and Statistics: senior school or introductory tertiary”

Editors: Helen MacGillivray, Robert Gould, Jim Ridgway


[Updated: 2020/04/12]

Special issue of Teaching Statistics: new submission date

The new deadline for submissions to the special issue is 25th July, 2020. Submissions to be made online to Teaching Statistics via ScholarOne.

Because of the effects, personally and professionally, of COVID-19, the timeline is being altered for the special issue of Teaching Statistics, “Teaching Data Science and Statistics: senior school or introductory tertiary”, announced in January in a range of outlets as well as Teaching Statistics issue 1 of 2020 (See the Teaching Statistics website Many involved in teaching statistics are heavily committed to making alternative teaching arrangements.

Thoughts and best wishes are extended to everyone in the global statistics teaching community – authors, reviewers, readers and all our colleagues and students.

Communities and sharing play essential and vital roles always, but especially during periods involving increased isolation. Teaching Statistics encourages everyone to continue sharing and building our community of practice, expertise, experience and scholarship.

Helen MacGillivray, Editor.


The special issue of Teaching Statistics will be published in 2020 as an e-book, titled Teaching Data Science and Statistics: senior school or introductory tertiary.


A variety of chapters is envisaged, with a small number of invited chapters, and most oriented to classroom-ready ideas, case studies and/or materials embodying good teaching practice. Each of the latter type of chapter should focus on one or more aspects of statistical data investigations and data science. Authors will find valuable guidance in Unit 1 of the framework of the International Data Science for School Project (IDSSP). Case study approaches should embody classroom-ready implementation, with a rich data context with a number of variables.


Chapters should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words, and no more than 5,000 words, including references, figures and any appendices. Resources such as data, code, notes for teachers/instructors, and videos, may be placed in an online repository. Authors may wish to provide short, dynamic videos.



  • Submissions to be made online to Teaching Statistics via ScholarOne.
  • Deadline for submissions, 25th April, 2020.
  • Referee reports to authors by 30th June, 2020.
  • Deadline for revised submissions, 31st August, 2020.
  • Proofs to authors by 15th October, 2020.
  • Deadline for corrections to proofs, 22nd October, 2020.
  • Issue compilation, 29th October, 2020.
  • Issue approved, 7th November, 2020.
  • To printer and published online, 14th November, 2020.
  • Published in print, 21st November, 2020.


Teaching Statistics,, is published by Wiley on behalf of the Teaching Statistics Trust. It is intended for all those who teach statistics to students aged up to 19 years. The emphasis is on good practice in teaching statistics and statistical thinking in any context. Teaching Statistics seeks to inform, enlighten, stimulate, guide, correct, inspire, entertain and encourage. Teaching Statistics is a refereed journal, with double-blind reviewing.


For more information contact the Teaching Statistics editor . Also see Teaching Statistics, 42 (1).

Helen MacGillivray


DOWNLOAD: Teaching Data Science and Statistics e-book_brief announcement