YES X : “Understanding Deep Learning: Generalization, Approximation and Optimization”
Mar 19, 2019 – Mar 22, 2019

The next, jubilee edition of Young European Statistician (YES X) meeting will be held on the 19-22 of March, 2019, in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. This year the workshop aims to bring together young researchers (PhD students, postdocs and young faculty members) working (or interested) in the field of the theoretical properties of deep learning: “Understanding Deep Learning: Generalization, Approximation and Optimization”. Tutorials will be given by Peter Bartlett (Berkley), Jason Lee (Marshall School of Business), Johannes Schmidt-Hieber (University of Twente) and Nathan Srebro (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago and University of Chicago). We will have three or four invited speakers as well (we have confirmation by Max Welling (University of Amsterdam), but we hope to have the full program ready soon).
Young researchers will also be given the opportunity to present their work in the format of contributed talks or posters. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required (as the conference venue has limited capacity). During the workshop lunch and coffee/tea will be served.

For more information and registration, please visit the conference website:

Best wishes,
Rui Castro, Tim van Erven, Paulo Serra and Botond Szabo