Cladag2019 Data Science Competition promoted by the Department of Economics and Law, University of Cassino in collaboration with TIM
On the occasion of CLassification And Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) 2019 Conference, hosted at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio on September 11-13, we announce the “CLADAG2019 Data Science (DS) Competition”, in collaboration with TIM. In particular, TIM will support the
organisation of the competition and it will provide the data set.
The aim of the data science challenge is to promote the application of the most recent methodologies proposed in the scientific literature to tackle the data-analytics challenges that real-world operating companies have to face throughout their activities.
The challenge is for individual researchers or for teams of up to three researchers that will be asked to provide a solution to a real data analytics/machine learning problem, that is, prediction
and analysis of customer churn, with focus on fixed telephony customers. The participants should have a compatible skill-set and background; no restrictions on the participants job position.
See details at