IASC News January 2022
Memorandum of Understanding with RASt Signed
Title: Memorandum of Understanding with RASt Signed
Summary: IASC and the Russian Association of Statisticians (RASt) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2022.
IASC President Christophe Croux and ISI Director Ada van Krimpen (on behalf of IASC) and the Chairman of the “Russian Association of Statisticians,” Alexey Ponomarenko (on behalf of RASt), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in January 2022. This MoU promotes the collaboration between IASC and RASt with respect to
- Joint research projects in the fields of mutual interests;
- Exchange of scientific publications and reports; and
- Organization of joint symposia, workshops and conferences.
This MoU was negotiated when former IASC President Jürgen Symanzik was invited by RASt to attend their congress and consecutive “Data Science: International Scientific and Practice Conference” in St. Petersburg, Russia, in February 2020. For additional information about RASt, including their past and upcoming events, see their web page at https://www.rusasstat.ru/en/.
Logo of RASt.
The MoU with RASt is the second such agreement on the IASC side in addition to a similar agreement with the International Federation of Classification Societes (IFCS) that has been in place since October 2014.We encourage all of our members to actively participate in events from our partner organizations, RASt and IFCS. For further details regarding these agreements, visit the IASC Collaborations web page at https://iasc-isi.org/collaborations/.
IASC Scholarship for the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing
Title: IASC Scholarship for the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing
Summary: 25 scholarships will be provided by the IASC for the participants to the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing.
We inform that the IASC will provide 25 scholarships – 100% waiver in the registration fee for participants to the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing.
To apply for these scholarships, the candidate must be a member of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC). To become a member, visit https://iasc-isi.org/become-a-member/
The candidates need to have an approved work to be presented in the meeting (submit your paper here https://eventos.galoa.com.br/ebeb-lacsc-2022/page/1381-home
The priority will be given to people living in developing countries at the time of the application: https://www.isi-web.org/resources/developing-countries
And countries with low-income/lower-middle-income.
To apply, fill the form here: https://forms.gle/U8cQS7UwouDRiiQm7
IASC-LARS Webinar (February 2022)
Title: Reminder about the IASC-LARS Webinar on Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains, February 01 and February 03, 2022
Summary: More information about the webinar can be found at:
Come with us and participate in one more initiative of the IASC-LARS!
After the IASC-LARS webinars that have taken place since 2020, this time, the focus is Time Series Robust Methods, this webinar is scheduled to occur on February 1 and February 3, instructor Prof. Valdério Anselmo Reisen (PPGEA, PPGEco, PPGMAT-UFES, Brazil and CentraleSupeléc-ParisSaclay, France).
Registration at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2231515343043757068
Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics
Title: Call for nominations: Rousseeuw Prize for
Summary: A new biennial prize worth one million US dollars has been created to recognize outstanding statistical innovations with relevance to society. Deadline for submission: March 31st 2022.
Statistics is a cornerstone of science, health, industry, economics, government and more, and benefits society as a whole. Nevertheless, research in statistics does not yet receive the same level of recognition as in related fields such as mathematics, physics, and computer science.
To help remedy this gap, a new biennial prize has been created by the King Baudouin Foundation (https://www.kbs-frb.be/en/about-us), a large public utility foundation in Belgium. The prize is named after its sponsor, the statistician Peter J. Rousseeuw. The Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics will award pioneering work in statistical methodology. The prize recognizes a statistical innovation, that is, an outstanding contribution or tool that has had significant impact and found wide application in statistical practice, with relevance to society.
Nominations, including letters of recommendation, are to be submitted by March 31st 2022 on the website https://www.rousseeuwprize.org which contains all information about the prize and nomination procedure.
For the organizers,
Mia Hubert and Stefan Van Aelst
IFCS 2022
Title: 17th conference of the international Federation of Classification Societies on Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age
Summary: The 17th conference of the international Federation of Classification Societies will take place in Porto- Portugal (19-23 July 2022). The call for paper is currently open. Information available on the web site: https://ifcs2022.fep.up.pt/
We are proud to announce the keynote speakers that have already confirmed
their participation to the IFCS 2022 Conference:
Genevera Allen (USA)
Charles Bouveyron (FR)
Dianne Cook (AUS)
João Gama (PT)
-Pre-conference Proceedings (6-8 page papers) in the Springer Series:
“Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization”
-Post-conference Special Issues in Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC), in the Journal of Classification, in Machine Learning and in EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
The conference topics and the potential field applications are listed on the web site.
Important dates:
January 15th, 2022 – Submission of full papers
March 1st, 2022 – Notification to authors
March 15th, 2022 – Submission of revised papers
March 31st, 2022 – Deadline Submission of Single Abstracts
April 14th, 2022 – Notification to Single Abstract Authors
April 30th, 2022- Early registration deadline
June 15th, 2022- Standard registration deadline
after June 15th, 2022 – Late registration deadline
Write to us at: ifcs2022@fep.up.pt
Cluster Benchmarking Challenge Call from the IFCS
Title: Cluster Benchmarking Challenge Call: Published or Accepted Benchmarking Papers of Clustering.
Summary: The Cluster Benchmarking Task Force of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) is calling for benchmarking papers on clustering methods that have been published or accepted for publication after January 1, 2019. This call, which is scientifically sponsored by the IFCS Executive Committee, is part of a challenge connected with the 2022 IFCS conference in Porto, Portugal, July 19-23.
To achieve a cumulative building of knowledge on clustering and classification, careful attention to benchmarking (performance comparison of methods) is very important. New methods of data pre-processing, new data-analytic techniques, and new methods of output post-processing, should be extensively and carefully compared with existing alternatives, and existing methods should be part of neutral comparison studies.
The Task Force has written a white paper (for a preprint, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10496) that addresses the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of benchmarking in cluster analysis, and some practicalities for performing sound benchmarking studies. As part of a challenge, the Task Force is now calling for authors to contribute published or accepted benchmarking papers on cluster analysis.
Rules for submission:
* Contributions for the challenge must be e-mailed to Iven.VanMechelen@kuleuven.be.
* A contribution should be an English language paper on a benchmarking study in the context of cluster analysis that has been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed, international publication outlet.
* Contributions (which may include, but are not limited to journal articles, book chapters, and proceedings articles) should be published or accepted for publication after January 1, 2019. For accepted papers, a proof of acceptance (e.g., e-mail of acceptance) should also be submitted.
* A contributor should be an author of the paper.
* The benchmarking study may compare methods of data pre-processing, clustering (potentially but not necessarily including the estimation of cluster parameters such as the number of clusters), and/or output post-processing, and may use empirical or simulated data.
* The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2022, 12:00 pm CET.
Competition guidelines:
* Contributions to the challenge will be evaluated by the IFCS Task Force on Benchmarking.
* Major evaluation criteria will be:
** the technical correctness and clarity of the paper,
** that the study shows a critical reflection on principles on which a sound benchmarking study should be based (which may be either in line or at odds with the principles outlined in the white paper of the Task Force),
** a detailed specification of the choices made in the benchmarking study at issue along with a justification of these based on the principles referred to above,
** the degree of neutrality of the author(s) with regard to the methods under study.
* Authors of contributions that are rated as excellent will be invited for a presentation in a special session at the 2022 IFCS conference in Porto, Portugal (such a presentation will not conflict with giving another presentation at that conference). Authors of the selected contributions will be notified no later than April 20, 2022. Authors of selected contributions who cannot attend the conference in person may exceptionally give an online presentation.
* During the closing session of the IFCS conference in Porto one of the selected contributions will be proclaimed winner of the challenge. The winning author(s) will receive a plaque and a CRC/Chapman and Hall book voucher.
* Contact for questions: Iven.VanMechelen@kuleuven.be .
All researchers interested in clustering and classification are most welcome to participate in this challenge!
Task Force members: Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Nema Dean, Isabelle Guyon, Christian Hennig, Friedrich Leisch, Douglas Steinley, Iven Van Mechelen, and Matthijs Warrens.
Webinar on survival data analysis modeling (January 2022)
Title: Webinar on biostatistics with R (survival data analysis modeling) organized by the African members group of the IASC
Summary: The African members group of the IASC organizes a 90-minute webinar on biostatistics (survival data analysis modeling) with R: theory, application and computing on 28 January 2022. The professors of the webinar are Prof. Eyitayo K. LASISI (Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria) and Hamzat Yusuf (Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria)
More information:
Link for registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7632876111027089423
THEME: Statistical computing in biomedical statistics: Survival Analysis Modeling
Webinar Title: Survival Analysis using Modified Kaplan-Meier Model
Abstract: Survival analysis, or more generally, time-to-event analysis, refers to a set of methods for analyzing the length of time until the occurrence of a well-defined end point of an interest. A unique feature of survival data is that typically not all patients experience the event (e.g, death) by the end of the observation period, so the actual survival times for some patients are unknown. Appropriate analysis of survival data requires specific statistical methods that can deal with censored data. As the assessed outcome is frequently mortality, these techniques are subsumed under the term survival analysis. Kaplan Meier is a non-parametric statistic that deals with time-to-event data, which analyze the patients or participants that will be lost to follow-up or dropped out of the study; those who will develop the disease of interest or those that will survive it. In this seminar, I will refresh our knowledge on Kaplan Meier model as a statistical model for survival analysis, identify various types of censoring in survival analysis, describe survival and hazard function in survival analysis and final introduce the modified model.
Date: Friday 28th January 2022
Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm CET
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaker: Prof. Eyitayo K Lasisi (kazeemlasisi@gmail.com)
Speaker: Mr Hamzat Yusuf (hamzayousoof@gmail.com)
Penalist/Co-organizer: Dr Adenomon Monday (adenomonmo@nsuk.edu.ng)
Penalist/Co-organizer: Timothy A. Ogunleye (thompsondx@gmail.com)
Penalist/Co-organizer: Dr Anthony Ekpo (ekpo.anthony@uam.edu.ng)
Webinar on time series econometrics (February 2022)
Title: Webinar on time series econometrics with R organized by the African members group of the IASC
Summary: The African members group of the IASC organizes a 90-minute webinar on time series econometrics with R: theory, application and computing on 25 February 2022. The professors of the webinar are Prof. Timothy OLATAYO (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) and Timothy A. OGUNLEYE (Tim-R Programming Consult, Nigeria).
[JDSSV – New issue]
Title: New issue of the Journal of Data Science, Statistics and Visualization
Summary: JDSSV published its fourth issue in December 2021. JDSSV is completely open access. The papers can be accessed at