IASC News November 2022

Data Analysis Competition 2023

Title: Data Analysis Competition 2023
Summary: IASC announces the Data Analysis Competition 2023 on the data analysis of disasters, illnesses, and other unfortunate events. The entries to DAC 2023 must be submitted as a poster in PDF format before 14-th March 2023, see https://iasc-isi.org/data-analysis-competition/ for detailed instructions.

The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) announces the Data Analysis Competition 2023.

Motivated by the current state of world, the theme of the 2023 competition is around data analysis of disasters, illnesses, and other unfortunate events. Of course, it is possible to investigate also any other related issues (effects on health, education, industry, finance, environment, social inequalities, etc.) You may concentrate on individuals, a single region (e.g., your own country), a continent or even the entire world but, most importantly, the submission should clearly describe the significance of your findings and, if possible, also describe a feasible remedy.

The awards include a travel grant supporting the presentation of the winning poster at the 64th ISI World Statistics Congress in Ottawa, invitation to submit a manuscript for possible publication to IASC’s Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation, registration fees at the 64th ISI WSC, and free one year IASC membership.

The entries to DAC 2023 must be submitted as a poster in PDF format before 14-th March 2023.

More detailed information, including a flyer in PDF, may be found at https://iasc-isi.org/data-analysis-competition/


Award ceremony of the first Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics

Title: The award ceremony of the first Rousseuw Prize for Statistics took place on the 12th of October 2022 in Leuven.
Summary: King Philippe of Belgium handed out the prizes to the five laureates during a ceremony that took place at KULeuven in October 2022. Photos, videos and slides are available on the web site https://rousseeuwprize.org/ceremony.

King Philippe of Belgium handed out the prizes to the five laureates of the first Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics in KULeuven on the 12th of October 2022. The five laureates were, from left to right on the photo, Thomas Richardson (U of Washington, Seattle), Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen (U of Pennsylvania), James Robins (Harvard), Peter Rousseeuw (sponsor), Andrea Rotnitzky (Torcuato di Tella U), and Miguel Hernan (Harvard). More photos, as well as videos and the projected slides, may be found on the web site https://rousseeuwprize.org/ceremony.


4th edition of the Conference on Statistics and Data Science (December 2022)

Title: Conference on Statistics and Data Science (event endorsed by the IASC).
Summary: Following up in the high success of the first three editions of the Conference on Statistics and Data Science, a 4th edition is planned for 1-3 December 2022, in the virtual format. More information on the web site http://www.csds2022.ufba.br/


Call for IASC-LARS webinars: proposals from 2023 onwards

Title: Call for IASC-LARS webinars: proposals from 2023 onwards
Summary: Since the first webinar launched in 2020, the IASC-LARS webinars have been a great experience for disseminating scientific knowledge. In order to maintain it, the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) opens the call for proposals for webinars starting in 2023. Submit your proposal by sending an e-mail to: lacsc.lars.iasc@gmail.com

The Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-LARS), the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) held several successful IASC-LARS Webinars since 2020, All of them on topics of interest of the IASC-LARS, and offered with the purpose of reaching a wide audience. Those webinars were offered free of charge and through the structure of the ISI webinars (https://www.isi-web.org/events/webinars )

1. Statistical Inference in Markov Processes; November 23-26, 2020.
2. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis; February 23-25, 2021.
3. Machine Learning for Data Science; September 27-30, 2021.
4. Data Visualization: Theory and Applications; November 22-24, 2021.
5. Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains; February 1 and 3, 2022.

Since the first webinar launched in 2020, these events have been a great experience for disseminating scientific knowledge. In order to maintain it, now the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) opens the call for proposals for webinars starting in 2023.
Submit your proposal by sending an e-mail to: lacsc.lars.iasc@gmail.com