IASC News February 2023

International Conference on Data Science 2023

Title: Call for Papers – International Conference on Data Science 2023
Summary: The International Conference on Data Science ICDS2023 calls for the submission of abstracts. Registrations and more information at https://www.icds2023.cl.

The School of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, is proud to organize the International Conference on Data Science ICDS2023 to be held in Santiago of Chile from November 8 to 10, 2023. The theme of the conference is Multidimensional Perspectives: From Statistical Learning to Data Science Applications. The conference is sponsored by the International Association for Statistical Computing.

The Scientific Program Committee of the ICDS2023 invites to submit proposals for Invited Paper Sessions, Contributed Abstracts, and Posters in all areas of statistical learning and data science. Complete information can be found at https://www.icds2023.cl.

Important Dates
May 30, 2023: Deadline for submitting abstracts
June 30, 2023: Deadline for notification of acceptance
July 30, 2023: Deadline for presenting authors registration

Please, feel free to share this information with those who may be interested. Practical information and travel recommendations will soon be available on the website.

COMPSTAT 2023 (IASC-ERS) Call for papers

Title: Call for papers for the 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics COMPSTAT 2023.
Summary: the conference will take place at Birkbeck, University of London, UK, 22-25 August 2023. The abstract submission tool is now open on http://www.compstat2023.org/submission.php


HiTEc & CoDES 2023

Title: Complex Data in Econometrics and Statistics Workshop (3-4 April 2023) and HiTEc Spring course (3-5 April 2023) in Cyprus.
Summary: The Complex Data in Econometrics and Statistics Workshop will take place at Limassol, Cyprus, 3-4 April 2023. The participants can freely attend the HiTEc Spring Course to be held on 3-5 April 2023. The Spring Course is sponsored by the
HiTEc COST Action, Frederick University (Cyprus) and IASC.


IASC Data Analysis Competition

Title: Deadline for submissions to IASC Data Analysis Competition is March 14th 2023.
Summary: The entries to DAC 2023 must be submitted as a poster in PDF format before 14-th March 2023, see https://iasc-isi.org/data-analysis-competition/ for detailed instructions.

The theme of the 2023 Data Analysis Competition is around data analysis of disasters, illnesses, and other unfortunate events. The awards include a travel grant supporting the presentation of the winning poster at the 64th ISI World Statistics Congress in Ottawa, invitation to submit a manuscript for possible publication to IASC’s Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation, registration fees at the 64th ISI WSC, and free one year IASC membership.

More detailed information, including a flyer in PDF, may be found at https://iasc-isi.org/data-analysis-competition/

The entries to DAC 2023 must be submitted as a poster in PDF format to dac.iasc@email.cz before 14-th March 2023.


VII LACSC Meeting – April 2023

Title: Official launch of the VII LACSC Meeting
Summary: The VII Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2023) will be held in Perú from April 3 to 5, 2023. Official web page: https://congreso-lacsc2023.pucp.edu.pe/.

The Master of Statistics and Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), together with sponsoring organizations, the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Computing Statistics (IASC) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) are organizing the VII Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2023) to be held in Perú from April 3 to 5, 2023.

You are cordially invited to visit our official web page:

VII LACSC- Schools to be held on April 1 and 3, 2023: We reinforce that during the meeting, two Schools will be taught:
– “Geospatial Data Science using R” by Paula Moraga (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
– “Introduction to Statistical learning using tidymodels R package” by Natalia da Silva (Department of Statistics at the Universidad de la República, IESTA-UDELAR), Uruguay.
More details in the link: