IASC News March 2023

IASC-LARS Board of Directors Election

Title: Results of the election of IASC-LARS Board of Directors
Summary: The Latin American Regional Section of the IASC elected five positions in the Board of Directors for the period 2023-2024. A short bio of the elected persons can be found on https://espolec-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mpastuiz_espol_edu_ec/ERceUqxq8tVBou_naM3l9pwBHcMmAZtrlBIlJZVmz940dw?e=isMbyS

The Latin American Regional Section of the IASC elected five positions in the BoD for the period 2023-2024.

After counting votes, the elected Chairperson is Alba Martínez-Ruiz, from University Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. For the 4 to 7 positions on the Board of Directors (BoD), term 2023-2026 of IASC-LARS, we received the following results: Alfredo Garbuno-Iñigo (Mexico), Luis Hilmar Valdivieso-Serrano (Perú), Luis Firinguetti-Limone (Chile) and Márcio Luis Lanfredi Viola (Brazil).

A short bio of all the elected people follows in the next link:


JDSSV – Third volume

Title: First issue in third volume of Journal of Data Science, Statistics and Visualization
Summary: JDSSV has published its first issue of the third volume. JDSSV is completely open access. The papers can be accessed at


Upcoming IASC-LARS Regional Assembly (IASC-LARS RA)

Title: Upcoming IASC-LARS Regional Assembly (IASC-LARS RA)
Summary: The Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) invites all IASC-LARS members to participate in the Regional Assembly which will take place on April 04, 2023. The provisional agenda is available now.

IASC-LARS Regional Assembly – Tuesday, April 04, 2023
14:30 – 15:30 – Peru Time (PET) [16:30-17:30 BRT time (e.g., São Paulo city), 13:30-14:30 CST Time (e.g., Mexico city), 20:30-21:30 CET Time (e.g., Madrid city)]

Virtual meeting through Google Meet (further details will be provided via e-mail).

Audience: All IASC-LARS members are invited to attend the IASC-LARS Regional Assembly.

Agenda (provisional):
1. Opening
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. IASC-LARS Activity Report (March 2022-March 2023)
4. Future scientific activities
a. Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC) – 2024.
b. IASC-LARS webinars (receiving proposals)
c. Calling for proposals to organize the Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC) – 2025 and later
5. Election of the IASC-LARS Scientific Secretary.
6. Results of Elections of IASC-LARS BoD members 2023-2026 and Chairperson-Elect 2023-2024
7. Closing

Additional agenda items can be e-mailed to the IASC-LARS Past-Chairperson, Verónica González-López (veronica@ime.unicamp.br), or to the IASC-LARS Scientific Secretary, María Nela Pastuizaca Fernández (nelitmaria@gmail.com), until 72 hours before the RA, i.e., until Saturday, April 01, 2023, 14:30 PET time.
The (closed) IASC-LARS Executive Committee (EC) meeting will take place on Monday, April 03, 2023, 18:00-19:00 – PET time (virtually). This meeting is only open for current IASC-LARS BoD members.


LACSC 2023 – Call for papers

Title: Call for papers: special issue “Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing 2023”.
Summary: The VII Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2023) will be held in Perú from April 3 to 5, 2023. Official web page: https://congreso-lacsc2023.pucp.edu.pe.

The Master of Statistics and Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), together with sponsoring organizations, the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) launch the call: Special Issue of Computational Statistics “Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing 2023”

The special issue is dedicated to the research presented at the VII Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2023). For details, please visit: