The objectives of the Association are to foster world-wide interest in effective statistical computing and to exchange technical knowledge through international contacts and meetings between statisticians, computing professionals, organizations, institutions, governments and the general public.
The Association is affiliated with the International Federation of Information Processing Societies (IFIP).
The Association pursues its objectives with special attention to developing countries. It promotes collaborative efforts within international, national, regional and other organizations and institutions having similar aims; it fosters evaluations of statistical computing techniques and programs and facilitates the exchange of computer programmes and meetings, particularly in conjunction with sessions of the ISI.
The IASC publishes the Journal Computational Statistics & Data Analysis and organises its own Conferences (IASC World Conferences, COMPSTAT in Europe, ARS Conferences on Statistical Computing in Asia) and Summer Schools as well as sections of the ISI Conferences. Information on the IASC life was available until 2010 in the ISI Newsletter and it has then replaced by a monthly news e-mailing.
Statistical Computing is meant here in its broad sense as Statistics in the Communication and Computer Age and it contains a rich variety of research topics in almost every branch of statistical inquiry.
The topics focused on by the IASC include computational statistics, statistical software, exploratory data analysis, data mining, pattern recognition, statistical graphics and data visualisation, statistical data bases, and related fields.
The IASC works to share and advance methods and techniques related to these topics by facilitating the exchange of information and by stimulating evaluations, research, and development in all areas of statistical computing. It is the aim of the IASC to foster world-wide interest in effective statistical computing and to exchange technical knowledge between researchers world-wide.
IASC promotes collaborative efforts within international, national, regional and other organizations and institutions having similar aims.
It is the mission of the IASC to link traditional statistical methodology, modern computer technology, and the knowledge of domain experts in order to convert data into information and knowledge.
Statistical Computing is meant here in its broad sense as Statistics in the Communication and Computer Age and it contains a rich variety of research topics in almost every branch of statistical inquiry.
The topics focused on by the IASC include computational statistics, statistical software, exploratory data analysis, data mining, pattern recognition, statistical graphics and data visualisation, statistical data bases, and related fields.
The IASC works to share and advance methods and techniques related to these topics by facilitating the exchange of information and by stimulating evaluations, research, and development in all areas of statistical computing. It is the aim of the IASC to foster world-wide interest in effective statistical computing and to exchange technical knowledge between researchers world-wide.
IASC promotes collaborative efforts within international, national, regional and other organizations and institutions having similar aims.