The IASC Data Analysis Competition 2013 was celebrated.
The committee of Judges (Jaromír Antoch, Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang, Chun-houh Chen, Chul Eung Kim, Junji Nakano, Antony Unwin) recommended two winners (by alphabetical order of first author):
• Kim, C., and Choi, S. (University of Florida)
Title: Marginal Structural Models for Causal effects of Higher Education Rates on Cancer Mortality Rates: Should we make our society highly educated?
• Takagishi, M., Hirotsuru, K., Mitsuhiro, M., Kusaka, T., and Yadohisa, H. (Doshisha University)
The IASC Data Analysis Competition 2013 was celebrated.
The committee of Judges (Jaromír Antoch, Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang, Chun-houh Chen, Chul Eung Kim, Junji Nakano, Antony Unwin) recommended two winners (by alphabetical order of first author):
• Kim, C., and Choi, S. (University of Florida)
Title: Marginal Structural Models for Causal effects of Higher Education Rates on Cancer Mortality Rates: Should we make our society highly educated?
• Takagishi, M., Hirotsuru, K., Mitsuhiro, M., Kusaka, T., and Yadohisa, H. (Doshisha University)
Title: Educational feature extraction across nations using UN data
Authors of these two posters were invited to present their studies at the Joint Meeting of the IASC Satellite Conference for the 59th ISI WSC and the 8th Conference of the IASC-ARS in Seoul on August 23rd, 2013. Traveling and local support for winners were provided by the organization of the 8th Conference of the IASC-ARS and the Wakimoto Memorial Fund.