Second Call for Proposals – ISI World Statistics Congress, 2015, Rio de Janeiro

The Chair of the ISI2015 IASC Program Committee, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho, and the Co-Chair, Rosanna Verde, invite the statistical community to present proposals for the Invited Paper Sessions (IPS) to increase awareness in a research area and brings new research results to a broad audience. The 60th World Statistics Congress of the ISI, will be held from 26-31 July 2015 in Rio de Janeiro.

Invited Sessions can be presented by any IASC member (except for PC members). To ensure full consideration, please submit your proposals to the chair ( and the co-chair ( November 15th 2013.

Each proposal should include a brief description and justification for your proposed session, as well as a list of speakers and discussants who have agreed to participate. The speakers and discussants not IASC members are warmly encouraged to join the IASC.

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