IASC News March 2022

16th EBEB and VI LACSC-Schools

Title: 16th EBEB and VI LACSC- Schools
Summary: two schools, 14th and 15th of March 2022, free of charge for students around the world!Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects, and advances” by Prof. Luciano Rebouças de Oliveira (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil), and “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS” by Prof. Danilo Alvares (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).

Upcoming (14th and 15th of March): two schools, free of charge for students around the world! “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects, and advances” by Prof. Luciano Rebouças de Oliveira (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil), and “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS” by Prof. Danilo Alvares (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile). The schools are part of the “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Congress of Statistical Computing”. Make your registration now!

More details at: https://espolec-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mpastuiz_espol_edu_ec/ESSPy-nALYhNojyeisEaP8oBxzdooClDEZVLUEQGy8WH6w?e=je1g7r


Keynote Conferences in the “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing” (March 16 to 18)

Title: Keynote Conferences in the “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing” (March 16 to 18)
Summary: the eleven Keynote Conferences present a wide variety of topics! Make your registration right now!: https://eventos.galoa.com.br/ebeb-lacsc-2022/registration/intro

Get to know now, the eleven Keynote Conferences that present a wide variety of topics in the “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing” distributed between three days, 16th, 17th and 18th of March. The conference is free for students. Make your registration right now!: https://eventos.galoa.com.br/ebeb-lacsc-2022/registration/intro

More details at: https://espolec-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mpastuiz_espol_edu_ec/Ed3uDsvwsapJkpJBxMGJAb4BPURFU5e02hm1VYFiLn4V3Q?e=ZC4duo

Statistical talk organized by the IASC African Members Group

Title: Statistical talk organized by the IASC African Members Group
Summary: The African Members Group of IASC organizes a talk on “The drastic Under-representation of African Researchers in Africa-related Research” on the 31st March 2022. Registration link:

Title: The drastic Under-representation of African Researchers in Africa-related Research

Abstract: In an ever more connected world one would expect to see collaborative efforts in academia build bridges between nations, continents and peoples. While the internet and digitisation have broken down boundaries and significantly lowered the financial obstacles as well as delays in time that came with

international partnerships, collaborations seem to have been strengthened between industrialised nations. In this talk, I will analyse publication data of articles, notes and presentations on that reference the continent of Africa, as well as nations past or present on the continent and investigate the distribution of author affiliation within and outside the continent.

Date: Thursday 31st March, 2022
Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm CET
Duration: 90 minutes

Speaker: Prof. Saralees Nadarajah (Saralees.Nadarajah@manchester.ac.uk)
Bio: Saralees Nadarajah is a Reader at the University of Manchester, UK. His research interests are in distribution theory, extreme value theory, statistical software, reliability, biostatistics and information theory. He is an author/co-author of four books, and has over 1000 refereed journal papers published or accepted.

Penalist/Co-organizer: Dr Adenomon Monday (adenomonmo@nsuk.edu.ng)
Penalist/Co-organizer: Timothy A. Ogunleye (thompsondx@gmail.com)
Penalist/Co-organizer: Dr Anthony Ekpo (ekpo.anthony@uam.edu.ng)

Registration link


The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)

Title: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)
Summary: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022) will take place in University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. It is organized in a hybrid format. For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org.

The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics will take place at the University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. Tutorials will be given during the conference. The conference is sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC, and is hosted and organized by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be hybrid:

– Session organizers will choose either the in-person, the hybrid or the virtual option.
– Invited speakers should coordinate their presentation mode with the session organizers.
– Contributed speakers can choose the option of in-person or virtual presentation.
– Session organizers and contributed speakers will be able to change their contribution mode until the 10th of June 2022. After that date, any change is subject to availability.
– All the keynote talks, the special invited sessions, the hybrid organized sessions, and the virtual sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom for all the conference participants.
– The Poster Sessions will be virtual.
– All the participants can attend the conference in person, even if they choose a virtual oral presentation or a poster.

For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org.


The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis

Title: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis
Summary: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis will take place in Como Lake, Italy, 2-6 May 2022.
Please refer to https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org/registration for more information and registration.

The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis, organized by the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society and the University of Milano-Bicocca on ROBUST STATISTICS: FOUNDATIONS and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS will take place in the awesome location of Villa del Grumello, in the shore of Como Lake (Como, Italy), on May 2-6, 2022.

The lecturers are among the most influential scholars in the field:
– Anthony Atkinson, London, School of Economics, UK
– Agustin Mayo-Iscar, University of Valladolid, ES
– Marco Riani, University of Parma, IT
– Francesca Greselin, University of Milano-Bicocca, IT

Please note that the conference room allows only for a very limited number of participants (no more than 30). The registration deadline is April 2, 2022. For more information and registration visit the URL: https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org/registration.


PDF Version: IASC News March 2022