IASC News April 2022
JDSSV – First issues in second volume
Title: First issues in second volume of the Journal of Data Science, Statistics and Visualization
Summary: JDSSV has published its first issues for the second volume. JDSSV is completely open access. The papers can be accessed at
It is our great pleasure to announce that Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualization (JDSSV) has now published its first issues of 2022. JDSSV is completely open access. The published papers can be accessed at
Feel free to send this announcement to all your colleagues with an interest in data science, statistics and/or visualisation.
JDSSV is an international refereed journal which creates a forum to present recent progress and ideas in the different disciplines of data science, statistics, and visualisation. JDSSV welcomes submissions to data science, statistics, and visualisation and, in particular, papers which link and integrate these subject areas.
Articles should be oriented towards a wide scientific audience, and can cover topics such as machine learning and statistical learning, the visualisation and verbalisation of data, visual analytics, big data infrastructures and analytics, interactive learning, and advanced computing. Scientific contributions should be of a high standard.
The journal explicitly welcomes contributions that include software with the aim of reproducibility of the results and application of the proposed methodology to other data by the reader. It is expected that data used in a paper are provided.
Initial submissions only require a pdf version of the manuscript with accompanying software code and necessary supplementary material. Manuscripts can be submitted online at https://jdssv.org.
Supported by
• The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC, owner)
• International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Editorial Board
• Patrick J.F. Groenen (Editor, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
• Stefan van Aelst (Editor, KU Leuven, Belgium)
• Ann Maharaj (Copy Editor, Monash University, Australia)
• Alexandre Francisco (Web Editor, Técnico Lisboa, Portugal)
Advisory Board
• Jan de Leeuw (UCLA, USA)
• David Hand (Imperial College, UK)
• Trevor Hastie (Stanford University, USA)
• Peter Rousseeuw (KU Leuven, Belgium)
The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)
Title: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)
Summary: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022) will take place in University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. It is organized in a hybrid format. For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org.
The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics will take place at the University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. Tutorials will be given during the conference. The conference is sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC, and is hosted and organized by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be hybrid:
– Session organizers will choose either the in-person, the hybrid or the virtual option.
– Invited speakers should coordinate their presentation mode with the session organizers.
– Contributed speakers can choose the option of in-person or virtual presentation.
– Session organizers and contributed speakers will be able to change their contribution mode until the 10th of June 2022. After that date, any change is subject to availability.
– All the keynote talks, the special invited sessions, the hybrid organized sessions, and the virtual sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom for all the conference participants.
– The Poster Sessions will be virtual.
– All the participants can attend the conference in person, even if they choose a virtual oral presentation or a poster.
For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org
Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2022): the second call for contributed presentations and e-posters.
Title: Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2022): the second call for contributed presentations and e-posters
Summary: Submission for contributed presentations and e-posters of DSSV 2022 started on January 31, 2022. Please refer to https://iasc-isi.org/2022/04/02/2nd-call-for-contributed-presentations-and-e-posters-of-the-dssv2022/
Final report: “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing” and Schools “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects, and advances”, and “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS”
Title: Final report: “16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing” and Schools “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects, and advances”, and “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS”
Summary: Here are some information about the latest activities of the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
The mission of the Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) is to promote Latin American cooperation in pursuing the aims of the IASC. In 2022 the IASC-LARS organized the IV LACSC in cooperation with the Brazilian Society of Bayesian Statistics and the Brazilian Section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), the meeting was entitled as ”16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical Computing”, and took place from the 16th of March to the 18th of March. The meeting was preceded by two schools, between the 14th of March and the 15th of March, addressing topics such as neural networks and applied aspects of Bayesian inference. Both topics of interest of the IASC-LARS. All activities took place in virtual format!
In numbers: Attendance Certificates: 170, School Attendance Certificates: 140, Acceptance Letters (Communication and Poster): 40, Paper Presentation Certificate (Communication): 34, Chair Certificates: 17, Speaker Certificates: 11, Paper Presentation Certificate (Poster): 6, Speakers of Schools Certificates: 02, Certificate Awards: 02
Full report at: https://espolec-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mpastuiz_espol_edu_ec/EUmb6Hrxev5Fir9hI8as_R4BeExiyDPFqb8QUdbuoj_llA?e=cE6oy5
Winner of the IASC-LARS Best Paper Award 2022
Title: Winner of the IASC-LARS Best Paper Award 2022
Summary: The Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) announces the winner of the IASC-LARS Best Paper Award 2022
The Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing announces the winner of the IASC-LARS Best Paper Award 2022 (IASC-LARS-BPA22). The prize was given to Felipe Grillo Pinheiro by the paper entitled “Covariance selection in phenotypic trait evolution models”, announced at first in the closing ceremony of the VI Latin American conferences on computational statistics (VI LACSC) on 18th of March of 2022.
About the IASC-LARS-BPA22. According to the rules, the winner of the IASC-LARS-BPA22 will become a regular member of the IASC for one year. The winner will receive a discount code for use in the ISI World Statistics Conference (WSC) registration system. The winner will be announced in the WSC edition of the ISI & Associations Awards Brochure and for the WSC Awards Presentation.
full note on: https://espolec-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mpastuiz_espol_edu_ec/EZ-9Ffv_yV5Ng5mA5iCvQ6sB5VA03VH-LPgHWrDu18LAVg?e=10QoMo
Data Science Year at the UDP 2022
Title: Data Science Year UDP 2022
Summary: The School of Industrial Engineering at the UDP (Chile) is commemorating a Data Science Year in 2022 and organizing a program of seminars to engage students in the data science arena. Registrations and more information at https://www.udp.cl/data-science-year-udp-2022/
As part of the Data Science Year, we are organizing a series of virtual seminars with prestigious exponents in the discipline. The main objectives are to engage and to involve students, researchers, and practitioners in the data science arena by creating a space to learn and discuss multiple topics associated with this discipline and its applications. We open the year with the following two seminars. We invite to join us!
Seminar: Statistical Issues in Agent-Based Models
• Speaker: Prof. David Banks, Duke University, USA
• Date: Wednesday April 20, 2022, at 11.30 Chilean time
• Registrations at https://forms.gle/LYYHmfVVSHTLBwuR9
Seminar: Data Integration with Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis
• Speaker: Prof. Arthur Tenenhaus, CentraleSupélec, France
• Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at 11.30 am Chilean time
• Registrations at https://forms.gle/bbqz5WYhAZEeyU8Y8
Please, mark your calendars and save the dates for our seminars, and extend this invitation to all students. The seminars will be held virtually using the platform Zoom. Further information at https://ingenieriayciencias.udp.cl/2022/03/30/data-science-year-udp-2022/
Local Organizing Committee: Alba Martinez-Ruiz, Paula Fariña, Raúl Pezoa-Zamorano, Francisco Jara-Moroni. Supporting institutions: International Association for Statistical Computing, International Statistical Institute, and Chilean Statistical Society.
The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis
Title: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis
Summary: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis will take place in Como Lake, Italy, 2-6 May 2022.
Please refer to https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org
The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis, organized by the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society and the University of Milano-Bicocca on ROBUST STATISTICS: FOUNDATIONS and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS will take place in the awesome location of Villa del Grumello, in the shore of Como Lake (Como, Italy), on May 2-6, 2022.
The lecturers are among the most influential scholars in the field:
– Anthony Atkinson, London, School of Economics, UK
– Agustin Mayo-Iscar, University of Valladolid, ES
– Marco Riani, University of Parma, IT
– Francesca Greselin, University of Milano-Bicocca, IT
For more information visit the URL: https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org
Note that registration is now closed.