DSSV 2022 Deadline Extension
Conference dates: June 27-29, 2022
Location: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Conference web site: https://iasc-isi.org/dssv2022/
DSSV 2022 will be organized as a hybrid conference that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in the interplay of statistics, computer science, and visualization and builds bridges between these fields for interdisciplinary research. This conference follows a series of successful DSSV conferences organized under the umbrella of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC).
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Anne-Laure Boulesteix, LMU Munich, Germany
Yu-Ru Lin, University of Pittsburgh, USA
C. F. Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Call for Contributed Presentations and e-Posters:
DSSV 2022 invites submissions for contributed presentations and e-posters. Presentations should be oriented towards a very wide scientific audience. They can cover machine learning and statisti-cal learning, visualization and verbalization of data, big data infrastructures and analytics, inter-active learning, advanced computing, and other essential topics. The conference will consist of keynote talks, invited sessions, contributed talks, and e-posters. The official language for all sub-missions is English and each presenter can choose either on-site or online participation.
The deadline for the submission of contributed presentations and e-posters is ex-tended to May 15, 2022 subject to no other postponement. The notification for authors is no later than May 30, 2022.
The DSSV2022 SPC and LOC encourages and welcomes you to submit your abstract through https://www.surveycake.com/s/7MVqN. We look forward to receive many exciting contributions!
PDF Version: DSSV2022_submission_extension