Author: Han-Ming Wu

IASC Events 2019-2023

IASC Events 2019-2023 Association: IASC-ERS Contact person, Name: Maria Brigida Ferraro, Email: Title of Conference / Event: Compstat 2020 Year: 2020 Dates (final): 25/08/2020 – 28/08/2020...

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Report IASC Elections, Officers 2019-2021

Officers 2019-2021 Congratulations to our newly elected officers! Thanks to everyone who participated in our elections. The IASC Nominating Committee consisted of Juergen Symanzik (United States; Chair), Wing Kam Fung (Hong...

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Best LACSC 2019 Paper Award

Best LACSC 2019 Paper Award Two for best poster “Implications of assumptions verification in the means comparison tests” authored by Pablo Flores and Jordi Ocaña “Classification for geostatistical functional data using depth”...

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