IASC News February 2022

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Pre-announcement for the Invited Paper Session Proposals for the 64th ISI WSC 2023

Title: Pre-announcement of the Invited Paper Session Proposals for the 64th ISI WSC 2023
Summary: The opening of the submission process is planned for March. Details will be announced on the congress website https://www.isi2023.org/

The Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC), Mark Podolskij, invites the statistical community to prepare proposals for the Invited Paper Sessions (IPS) programme.

Each proposal should include a brief description and justification for the proposed session and a list of presenters and discussants who have agreed to participate. The selection criteria will take into account scientific quality, impact, and overall diversity.
a. The programme is of high quality, with sessions that emphasize innovative ideas, approaches and/or applications to problems of importance;
b. The sessions have a balance of Organisers / Presenters / Discussants from around the world;
c. The contents are clearly of interest; and
d. The congress has a diversity of participants with respect to age, gender and statistical interests.

Read the full announcement on the WSC 2023 website, as well as the Guidelines for Session Organisers, Chairs, Presenters and Discussants for more details. General enquiries about the Scientific Programme should be directed to scientific@isi2023.org.

The 64th WSC 2023, to be held 16–20 July in Ottawa, Canada, will highlight the developments and contributions of statistics, statistical science, and data science in all aspects of life, particularly the well-being and welfare of people. The WSC 2023 will host talks and presentations on a wide variety of topics, with the overall goal of presenting a balanced programme that provides a sense of the current state and future direction of statistics and their applications.
The programme will span the full field of statistics including academia, business, industry, government and official statistics in line with the breadth of ISI and the Associations affiliated with ISI. Topics include but are not limited to official statistics, survey statistics, environmental statistics, business and industrial applications of statistics, mathematical statistics, probability, statistics and data science, statistics education, statistical literacy, statistical computing and data visualization.


Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2022): first call for contributed presentations and e-posters.

Title: Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2022): the first call for contributed presentations and e-posters
Summary: Submission for contributed presentations and e-posters of DSSV 2022 started on January 31, 2022. Please refer to https://iasc-isi.org/2022/01/28/dssv-2022-the-first-call-for-contributed-presentations-and-e-posters/

Conference dates: June 27-29, 2022
Location: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Conference web site: https://iasc-isi.org/dssv2022/

DSSV 2022 will be organized as a hybrid conference that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in the interplay of statistics, computer science, and visualization and builds bridges between these fields for interdisciplinary research. This conference follows a series of successful DSSV conferences organized under the umbrella of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC).

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Anne-Laure Boulesteix, LMU Munich, Germany
Yu-Ru Lin, University of Pittsburgh, USA
C. F. Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Call for Contributed Presentations and e-Posters
DSSV 2022 invites submissions for contributed presentations and e-posters. Presentations should be oriented towards a very wide scientific audience. They can cover machine learning and statistical learning, visualization and verbalization of data, big data infrastructures and analytics, interactive learning, advanced computing, and other essential topics. The conference will consist of keynote talks, invited sessions, contributed talks, and e-posters. The official language for all submissions is English and each presenter can choose either on-site or online participation. Abstract submission starts on January 31, 2022.

DSSV 2022 Outstanding Poster Award To encourage the involvement of young researchers, the Local Organizing Committee of DSSV 2022 will offer awards for outstanding poster presentations based on the number of visitors for their posters. The winners will be announced at the closing session of the conference, and they will receive a certificate declaring their contribution.


The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis

Title: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis
Summary: The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis will take place in Como Lake, Italy, 2-6 May 2022.
Please refer to https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org/registration for more information and registration.

The III International School on Classification and Data Analysis, organized by the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society and the University of Milano-Bicocca on ROBUST STATISTICS: FOUNDATIONS and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS will take place in the awesome location of Villa del Grumello, in the shore of Como Lake (Como, Italy), on May 2-6, 2022.

The lecturers are among the most influential scholars in the field:
– Anthony Atkinson, London, School of Economics, UK
– Agustin Mayo-Iscar, University of Valladolid, ES
– Marco Riani, University of Parma, IT
– Francesca Greselin, University of Milano-Bicocca, IT

Please note that the conference room allows only for a very limited number of participants (no more than 30). The registration deadline is April 2, 2022. For more information and registration visit the URL: https://rsfd.lakecomoschool.org/registration.


The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)

Title: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022)
Summary: The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022) will take place in University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. It is organized in a hybrid format. For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org.

The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics will take place at the University of Bologna, Italy, 23-26 August 2022. Tutorials will be given during the conference. The conference is sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC, and is hosted and organized by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be hybrid:

– Session organizers will choose either the in-person, the hybrid or the virtual option.
– Invited speakers should coordinate their presentation mode with the session organizers.
– Contributed speakers can choose the option of in-person or virtual presentation.
– Session organizers and contributed speakers will be able to change their contribution mode until the 10th of June 2022. After that date, any change is subject to availability.
– All the keynote talks, the special invited sessions, the hybrid organized sessions, and the virtual sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom for all the conference participants.
– The Poster Sessions will be virtual.
– All the participants can attend the conference in person, even if they choose a virtual oral presentation or a poster.

For further details please see http://www.compstat2022.org.


Reminder about the webinar on time series econometrics (February 2022)

Title: Webinar on time series econometrics with R organized by the African members group of the IASC
Summary: The African members group of the IASC organizes a 90-minute webinar on time series econometrics with R: theory, application and computing on 25 February 2022. The professors of the webinar are Prof. Timothy OLATAYO (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) and Timothy A. OGUNLEYE (Tim-R Programming Consult, Nigeria).


Online talk organized by the African members group of IASC (March 2022)

Title: Online talk organized by the African members group of the IASC (31 March 2022)
Summary: The African members group of the IASC organizes a 90-minute talk on the drastic under-representation of African researchers in Africa-related research. It is organized online on 31st March 2022. The speaker is Prof. Saralees NADARAJAH (reader at the university of Manchester, UK).


Upcoming IASC-LARS Regional Assembly (IASC-LARS RA)

Title: Upcoming IASC-LARS Regional Assembly (IASC-LARS RA)
Summary: The Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) invites all IASC-LARS members to participate in the Regional Assembly which will take place on March 17, 2022. The provisional agenda is available now.

IASC-LARS Regional Assembly – Thursday, March 17, 2022
19:00 – 20:00 BRT time
[19:00-20:00 BRT time (e.g., São Paulo), 16:00-17:00 CST Time (e.g., Mexico city), 23:00-24:00 CET Time (e.g., Madrid)]
Virtual meeting through Google Meet (further details will be provided via e-mail).
Audience: All IASC-LARS members are invited to attend the IASC-LARS Regional Assembly.

Agenda (provisional)
1. Opening
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. IASC-LARS Activity Report (May 2021- March 2022)
4. Future scientific activities
a. Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC) – 2023 (proposal received in the 2021 call).
b. IASC-LARS webinars (receiving proposals).
c. Calling for proposals to organize the Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC) – 2024 and later.
5. Election Committee for the election of 3 new IASC-LARS BoD members 2023-2026.
6. Closing

Additional agenda items can be e-mailed to the IASC-LARS Chariperson, Verónica González-López (veronica@ime.unicamp.br), or to the IASC-LARS Scientific Secretary, María Nela Pastuizaca Fernández (nelitmaria@gmail.com), until 72 hours before the RA, i.e., until Monday, March 13, 2022, 19:00 BRT time.
The (closed) IASC-LARS Executive Committee (EC) meeting will take place on

Thursday, March 17, 2022, 12:00 BRT time.

This meeting is only open for current IASC-LARS BoD members.


IASC-LARS Report on “Webinar Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains” February 1 and 3, 2022 by Maria Nela Pastuizaca Fernández (Espol, Ecuador) and Verónica A. González-López (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Title: IASC-LARS Report on “Webinar Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains” February 1 and 3, 2022 by Maria Nela Pastuizaca Fernández (Espol, Ecuador) and Verónica A. González-López (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Summary: The Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-LARS), the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) held the first IASC-LARS Webinar of 2022 entitled Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains, on February 1st, and on February 3rd, 2022. The webinar was taught by Prof. Valdério Anselmo Reisen and gathered 187 participants.

The Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-LARS), the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) held the first IASC-LARS Webinar of 2022 entitled Time Series Robust Methods – In the Time and Frequency Domains, on February 1st, and on February 3rd, 2022. The webinar was taught by Prof. Valdério Anselmo Reisen.
The webinar had 187 registered attendees, coming from 35 countries. 6 countries, Brazil, Nigeria, Chile, Ecuador, United States, and India, located on 3 continents, America, Africa, and Asia, contributed with around 70% of the registration.
We are very grateful for the support provided by the International Statistical Institute and the Statistical Capacity Building Program. We thank everyone involved who has made this webinar a success!

Full report here:



Composition of the IASC-ISI nomination committee for the period 2021-2023

Title:  Composition of the IASC-ISI nomination committee for the period 2021-2023
Summary: The IASC-ISI nomination committee has been updated. It is composed of Paulo Canas Rodrigues (Brazil), Eric John Beh (Australia), Junji Nakano (Japan), Michel Van de Velden (The Netherlands) and Rosaria Lombardo (Chair, Italy).


Report on the organization of the 10th IES 2022 Conference

Title: Short report on the organization of the 10th IES 2022 Conference
Summary: On 27 and 28 January 2022,  the 10th IES 2022 Conference titled  “Innovation & Society 5.0: Statistical and Economic Methodology for Quality Assessment” (supported by IASC, http://meetings3.sis-statistica.org/index.php/IES2021/IES2022) was held at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli ”in Capua (CE), Italy. It was opened by the President of the Program Committee, Rosaria Lombardo, and by the  President of the Italian Statistical Society, Corrado Crocetta.

The conference took place in hybrid modality and saw the participation of  more than 120 researchers coming from Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, UK, Albania,  Australia and Korea.