The committee evaluated all competing posters, noted the overall high quality and relevance of the submissions, and decided to award the winning posters as follows:
- 1st place, including a travel grant and a book price, is awarded to J. Sousa Pimentel, R. Bulhoes , V. Mesquita , P. Canas Rodrigues: Spatio-temporal modelling of Brazilian wildfires,
- 2nd place is awarded to G. Zammarchi: Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Italy’s country reputation: a sentiment analysis approach,
- 3rd place is awarded to S. A Kharroubi: A Bayesian nonparametric approach for modelling health-related quality of life data.
Next, the committee awards Honorable mention for a promising work of a starting research team to Chih-Ling Chen, Qian-Wu Liao, H. Dahmani: HIV with antiretroviral therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa and S. Gurria, A. Brito, J. Esteban Borja, J. Fullaondo, Y. Abdel Nasser: Factors that influence the GPA of high school students.
All participants are cordially invited to attend the on-line award ceremony at the World Statistical Congress. The details will be announced later.
We wish all participants a lot of success in their future work and congratulate the winners.
Ann Maharaj (Australia), Anne Ruiz-Gazen (France), Jaromir Antoch (Czechia), Stefan Van Aelst (Belgium), Ying Chen (Singapore), and Zden.k Hlavka (Czechia)
(organizing committee)
May 17th, 2021
1st place, including a travel grant and a book price, is awarded to
J. Sousa Pimentel, R. Bulhoes , V. Mesquita , P. Canas Rodrigues: Spatio-temporal modelling of Brazilian wildfires,