- MIT – Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in Operations Research and Statistics (OR/Stat) (11/6/2023)
- UCLA Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Music and Data Science (12/20/2021)
- iSTARS – Informatics and Statistical Tools for the Advancement of Research Success (Portugal) (3/15/2021)
- Assistant Professorship – Tenure Track Position in Computational Statistics, TU Wien (2/17/2021)
- Call for candidates: PhD grant for 3 years, starting between October 2020 and February 2021 (10/8/2020)
- PhD opening Quantitative Finance/ Financial Data Science,Zurich University (10/8/2020)
- Junior Professor of Statistics, ESSEC Business School, Paris (3/3/2020)
- Assistant Professor, The Institute for Statistics and Mathematics at WU (10/25/2019)
- Pre-doctoral/Post-doctoral University Assistant, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (6/13/2019)
- Beatriz Galindo tenure track position (BEAGAL 18/00143) at the research group MODES (5/6/2019)
- Reader/Professor in Statistics at Queen Mary University of London (4/27/2019)
- Seeking postdocs/Data Science in Finance (4/13/2019)
- Professor of Data Science, University of Essex – Department of Mathematical Sciences (4/7/2019)
- Director, Statistical Consulting Unit job with Australian National University (ANU) (2/9/2019)
- Fully funded PhD students in Statistics positions at Umeå University, Sweden (12/20/2018)
- 6 European PhD Positions in Financial Mathematics (Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Italy) (12/4/2018)
- PhD/Postdoc position in Data Science, University of Caen, France (11/21/2018)
- technical-research positions in High Performance Computing, The University of Trento (11/12/2018)
- Researcher in Biostatistics at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (11/7/2018)
- Full Professor in The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova, Finance (11/7/2018)
- Group Leader in Biostatistics in Cancer Research, at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital (OUS) (10/27/2018)
- Assistant Professor Positions in Econometric Theory – Tilburg University NL (10/19/2018)
- Group Leader in Biostatistics and/or Systems Biology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS) (10/4/2018)
- Professor of Statistics and Stochastic Optimisation, University of Vienna (9/13/2018)
- Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Vienna (9/13/2018)
- Junior Research position at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (9/4/2018)
- Senior Expert Biostatistics at EMD Serono (8/23/2018)
- Tenure-Track Research Positions at Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (8/23/2018)
- Postdoc on Bayesian Nonparametrics, University of Padova, Italy (8/23/2018)
- Assistant Professor in Statistics, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Netherlands (8/2/2018)
- A research grant, Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova, Italy. (7/15/2018)
- Vacancy For Phd Research Assistant And Postdoctoral Researcher In Statistics (7/10/2018)
- Full-time Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics, Tilburg University, Netherlands (5/23/2018)
- Assistant Professor in Computational Statistics, Erasmus School of Economics, Econometric Institute (5/4/2018)
- PhD Position In Statistics,University Of Bern (5/3/2018)
- Research Biostatistician in the Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute (IHSI) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (4/20/2018)
- Associate professor position at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (4/20/2018)
- PhD in computational statistics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (4/14/2018)
- Assistant professor positions in applied statistics at the Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University (4/14/2018)
- Tenured position of Full Professor in Economic Statistics, University of Padova (3/28/2018)
- Post-doc positions at University College Dublin (3/11/2018)
- Faculty Position at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento (2/27/2018)
- Three-years position for PhD (2/13/2018)
- PhD Position in biostatistica presso UMC Utrecht (1/11/2018)
- Job: PhD in Statistics in Oslo. Fraud detection. (12/22/2017)
- Lecturer in Optimisation/Machine Learning, Queen Mary University of London, UK (12/22/2017)
- Search for posdoc candidates at the MODES group (12/3/2017)
- Research Data Scientist (11/18/2017)
- Two-year research position (“AdR”) in Statistics (Bocconi University) (11/15/2017)
- Pst-doc position at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) (11/3/2017)
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Queen Mary University of London (11/3/2017)
- Positions in Biostatistics, University of Oslo (11/2/2017)
- Associate Professor or Professor in Biostatistics, Oslo, Norway (10/16/2017)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Statistics at Victoria University of Wellington (10/13/2017)
- Postdoctoral researcher position in Clinical Epidemiology (10/12/2017)
- Positions at The University of Bath, UK. (10/5/2017)
- Postdoc in Statistics/Data Science (three years), Norway, Oslo (10/5/2017)
- PhD position A dynamic network approach to understand household energy use (4/4/2017)
- PhD-position in Naples, Italy: Development of statistical methods and computational tools for the integration of multi-omic data (2/23/2017)
- Positions in statistics and applied mathematics, School of Mathematics in Queen Mary, London (1/7/2017)
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions at the Australian National University (12/26/2015)
- Poste MdC – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis – Traitement automatique de contenus textuels du Web, France (3/13/2015)
- 2-years postdoc position in LIP6, Paris, France – Representation Learning with Dynamic and Heterogeneous Data (3/13/2015)
- Research Assistant / Associate (Urban Data Mining) – Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) – UK (2/27/2015)
- Project leader – Application developer – ICube, Strasbourg – France (2/1/2015)
- 2 Postdocs in Biostatistics in Oslo (1/21/2015)
- 2-Year Post Doc Research Position in Venice, Italy (1/21/2015)
- Postdoctoral position for the Antimoine project, Nantes, France (1/20/2015)
- Research Engineering – LORIA à Vandœuvre les Nancy, France (12/11/2014)
- Engineer on Bayesian Networks, LINA – Nantes, France (12/9/2014)
- Researcher on data mining – algorithms – machine learning, Hypercube Research S.A.R.L., Paris (12/9/2014)
- Postdoctoral researchers in machine learning and computational intelligence, University of Sao Paulo – Brasil (12/9/2014)
- Six Job Positions at Pandora HQ in Oakland (12/9/2014)
- Insight/Data Analyst, Greenpeace Southeast Asia (12/4/2014)
- Director and Associate Professor, Australian National University (11/13/2014)
- Associate or Full Professor of Statistics or Econometrics – ESSEC Business School, Paris Campus (10/11/2014)
- PhD position – Data Mining, Big Data, Semantic Web – Chair of Knowledge & Data Engineering, University of Kassel – Germany (9/16/2014)
- Poste d’enseignant-chercheur à l’ ISEP Paris (Informatique) (4/7/2014)
- Développeur Informatique (H/F) (4/6/2014)
- Chief Statistician – International Energy Agency (4/6/2014)
- Researcher in Document Analysis (3/19/2014)
- Professor position in Computer Science (3/19/2014)
- Environmental Statistician (3/19/2014)
- Professor of Computer Science in relation to Statistics at ENSAI (Rennes, France) (1/16/2014)
- Professor of Statistics: Two Available Positions at ENSAI (Rennes, France) (1/16/2014)

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